New media is the most popular medium used today. Because of this, traditional journalists have a new set of skills to obtain. Facebook, Twitter, even Blogger...all are forms of new media. Our generation today is the future of digital journalism.
Traditional journalists may have attended college for four or more years, possibly went to graduate school, and now are told that they need to learn new things. How would you feel? After so many years of practice and experience in a field, to see a simple tech-savvy person come in a take a place of a 20 year veteran? It's harsh, but the truth.
So for my advice to the traditional journalists out there: Start Exploring! Make a blog, take a free class on media, create a Facebook and Twitter. It's all free. But if you chose not to, that may be the thing that costs - your job that is.
Entertainment.Fashion.News. All in one. Producing the field of art I like to call, Journalism.